A sequel to Rose and the Outlaw, Reckoning tells the story of Rose Lawson, and her fight against the most dreaded outlaw in the Appalachians. Reckoning is about courage and the human struggle against problems that don’t just go away because we defeat them once.
The film RECKONING is set in the historic town of Little Cataloochee, NC. The Cherokee first discovered the valley that would make up Big Cataloochee, but they never settled there. Little and Big Cataloochee were separated by a mountain ridge but tied together through strong family bonds. Colonel Robert Love was the original owner of the land in the early 1800's. By 1850, many people called Cataloochee home.
Today, the towns of Little Cataloochee and Big Cataloochee no longer exist, but are part of the national forest. However, old buildings still stand, and we will be incorporating these into the film! If you'd like to receive behind the scenes updates on Reckoning, plug in your information below.