A Crew of One

Sometimes the set of RECKONING is bustling with actors and crew.

And sometimes it’s just me solo — This was the case yesterday.

I play Ghost in the movie.

A beginning scene in RECKONING involves Ghost and a man named Noble. As you may remember, Noble is played by Rick Roepke.

(He was in town a few weeks ago to shoot his scenes)

The problem?

I only had Rick for one day. This meant zero time to shoot Ghost’s takes. So what do you do?

You go back later and shoot the rest.

But this gets tricky…eyelines, different locations. It can go wrong very fast.

Additionally, I had to re-shoot a few shots because I left my wedding ring on the last time. Those of you who commented (thank you!) will be pleased to see the updated ring-free hand:

Another fun event this week was including two of Journey’s cousins in the film! Mercy (right) and Sylvie (left).

They did awesome. And their mother, Cara Lee, didn’t realize I was gonna put her to work on set too!

Thank you, Cara Lee.

Today, cold weather and snow shut down production, so I’m doing post work instead. This involves labeling shots, beginning rough cuts, etc.

On a “normal” studio film, the film editor works in tandem with production so there’s a completed cut of the movie ready for the director to watch once production wraps.

In the land of low budget indie film, it all falls on me.

But I love every part.

Thanks for being virtual crew!

Kyler Boudreau

P.S. One of the next scenes we shoot is the final duel between Rose and Ghost. It’s gonna be intense!

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