A Private Viewing of Scene 13

Virtual crew,

Hey, a huge thank you for those who are helping share the school!

Official post production on RECKONING is slowly beginning.

Not much is cut together yet.

However, there is one scene put together as a rough cut that I want to share with you!

It features actors Journey Boudreau, Terri Goodman and Keith McKim.

And by rough I mean rough.

You know, how you look when you roll out of bed in the morning.

Okay, okay. How I look after rolling out of bed in the morning.

It’s scene 13 in the movie.

Color correction isn’t done. VFX on the windows isn’t done. Sound design isn’t done. There’s even a moment when the sound completely drops out.

But you’re virtual crew, so you get to see this film in the rough stages.

Here’s the link to watch it:


The password is virtualcrew.

Hope you enjoy! There are some bloopers at the end, so let it play after it hits black.

Kyler Boudreau

P.S. I’ll tell you more about post production soon. And as more is cut together, you guys get to see it first!

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