I screwed up the intro scene!

Virtual Crew,

The last update was nearly a MONTH ago!

I know, I know.

Completely unacceptable.

So here’s the deal…actually, let’s circle back to that.

Have you ever failed?

You know, just botched something in life?

Yesterday, Journey and I hit up a local creek to shoot the intro scene where we meet Rose Lawson.

But yesterday was a RESHOOT. I screwed it up the first time.


By not doing my shot list.

A shot list includes every camera setup, movement, framing, etc that you want in a scene. Basically, a director visualizes the movie ahead of time. Shot by shot.

I’m a HUGE shot lister.

But for this intro scene, some type of director laziness set in.

“I can just take Journey and knock this one out.”

Uh, yeah….WRONG answer.

Got back to editorial and realized I was missing a key shot.

Or two. Or three.


Next step? I did the shot list like a good little director and we went back.

Fortunately, Journey is a good sport.

But don’t worry virtual crew….production is close to wrapping.

In fact, we’ve even begun post production tasks like FOLEY.

My final actor arrives in 5 days. For those who read the script, it’s Jacob who tells Rose the Philistines “kept coming back.”

And that, by the way, was the film’s theme spoken.

Many movies do this at the very beginning. Someone other than the protagonist, speaks in a subtle manner to the overall theme of the film.

So anyway, that’s the latest.

But do you have 29 more seconds?

If so, keep reading!

I wanna circle back to something from up top.

A reason RECKONING has taken so long is that my time has been divided.

You see, shooting RECKONING is a two-fold project.

One, to keep making movies and shoot a sequel to Rose and the Outlaw.

But the larger purpose?

To use the film as a class project.

Many aspiring filmmakers are nuking their finances at film school, only to realize Hollywood doesn’t care about education.

Film school is not the silver bullet some believe it to be.

Especially if you want to write and direct.

An alternative?

Write & Direct. My upcoming, cohesive filmmaking education.

It will liberate aspiring filmmakers.

All of that to say, this is why RECKONING is taking so long. There are two productions going on.

But we’re moving forward! And you guys will be the first to know about the school launch. In fact…I have something really cool to give you.

Thanks for hanging with me on this!

Kyler Boudreau

P.S. Visit https://writedirect.co/ to see the early stages.

P.S.S. I was named after another Kyler. His name is Kyler Welch. His parents Beverly and Leroy Welch are dear friends of my parents. Beverly is part of our virtual crew, and she has been hit with very serious health complications in the last month. Could you ask God to heal her body in the name of Jesus and bring them through this? That would mean so much!!!

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