It all changed…

Good afternoon virtual crew!


Last week I was stoked to tell you we found Roses’s cabin.

Guess what?


(Don’t worry, the other cabin will still be used.)

Here is the new cabin for Rose Lawson:

And even better, they are allowing us to shoot INSIDE!!!!

I’m so excited I could hug everybody.

Here’s part of the interior:

It was an old sharecroppers cabin back in the day. The owners restored it while protecting the original charm. And since it’s empty, I can take my time to decorate and plan our shots!

This location is a complete God send.

I was driving back from my Mamaw’s house a couple weeks ago and on a whim pulled into the drive. A man happened to be there who works on the property. He graciously set everything up with the owners.

I’m telling you, the entire thing felt blessed.

I’m grateful for this.

Production got bumped to March, but that is just around the corner.

Thanks again for taking this ride with me!

Kyler Boudreau

P.S. Now I need to find a couple horses, so prayers are needed to find the right location and a willing owner!

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